How to create Swing Button, Enabled and Disabled

1) . Create simple interface using NetBeans as follow.

 2) . Rename Button as btnOk and TextField as txtSomeText .

 3) . In constructor add below code for disable the button when start of program.

                //Dissable Button at startup

 4) . In TextField's KeyRelease Event add below code for check for not empty textfield and enable button and when it comes empty disable the button.

                 // Enable Button when there has some text in Text field

 5) . In the Button's ActionPerformed Event add below code for show a message box for sample thing to do on button.

             //You can do what you want in here
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Button Enabled.\n You entered "+txtSomeText.getText()+" .");

 6) . Run the interface and it may look like this.

 7) . Get download total NetBeans Project from below.

NetBeans Project - 




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How to Set JDK Path permanently

(I). Right click on my Computer and Select Properties

(II). Select Advanced Tab  (1)      and Press Environment Variables Button   (2)

(III). Select Path   (1)       and Click Edit (2)

(IV). Append (don't clear old path list) your JDK bin DIR path to Variable value with ending semicolon ‘ ; ’

Click OK Button. Click OK Button and Click Apply button.

* Are you clear all variable value: unfortunately,  you must to add this path also.It is windows XP System files path.


(V). Get a Command Prompt by Press Win_KEY + R after type cmd and click OK.

(VI). Type javac on Command Prompt and Press Enter.

If you can see possible option list like this, its success.




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