How to create Swing Button, Enabled and Disabled

1) . Create simple interface using NetBeans as follow.

 2) . Rename Button as btnOk and TextField as txtSomeText .

 3) . In constructor add below code for disable the button when start of program.

                //Dissable Button at startup

 4) . In TextField's KeyRelease Event add below code for check for not empty textfield and enable button and when it comes empty disable the button.

                 // Enable Button when there has some text in Text field

 5) . In the Button's ActionPerformed Event add below code for show a message box for sample thing to do on button.

             //You can do what you want in here
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Button Enabled.\n You entered "+txtSomeText.getText()+" .");

 6) . Run the interface and it may look like this.

 7) . Get download total NetBeans Project from below.

NetBeans Project - 




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